Aphorisms Galore!

War and Peace

74 aphorisms  ·  one comment

Aphorisms in This Category

tiny.ag/7alftveq  ·   Fair (550 ratings)  ·  submitted 1997

I don't know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.

Albert Einstein, in War and Peace

tiny.ag/d6zsoa2q  ·   Fair (232 ratings)  ·  submitted 1997

I always say that, next to a battle lost, the greatest misery is a battle gained.

The Duke of Wellington, in War and Peace

tiny.ag/pfpxawj8  ·   Fair (339 ratings)  ·  submitted 1997

To jaw-jaw is better than to war-war.

Winston Churchill, (on Korean War negotiations), in War and Peace

tiny.ag/ymliwjpf  ·   Fair (483 ratings)  ·  submitted 1997

War is not nice.

Barbara Bush, in War and Peace

tiny.ag/ircejxuc  ·   Fair (494 ratings)  ·  submitted 1997

You can get more of what you want with a kind word and a gun than you can with just a kind word.

Al Capone, in War and Peace

tiny.ag/dgf0pdxo  ·   Fair (344 ratings)  ·  submitted 1997

A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.

Winston Churchill, in War and Peace

tiny.ag/owyunzte  ·   Fair (354 ratings)  ·  submitted 1997

When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite.

Winston Churchill, (on formal declarations of war), in War and Peace

tiny.ag/phdwhmxt  ·   Fair (632 ratings)  ·  submitted 1997

I prefer the most unjust peace to the most righteous war.

Cicero, in War and Peace

tiny.ag/tldrjftc  ·   Fair (1115 ratings)  ·  submitted 1997

The Devil's Dictionary (paperback)

Riot: A popular entertainment given to the military by innocent bystanders.

Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary, in War and Peace

tiny.ag/2kf4ndl1  ·   Fair (269 ratings)  ·  submitted 1997

War is menstruation envy.

Unknown, in War and Peace

tiny.ag/idqkjfr5  ·   Fair (895 ratings)  ·  submitted 1997 by Gord Weitzel

When elephants fight, only the grass gets hurt.

Unknown, in War and Peace

tiny.ag/zsldl2jb  ·   Fair (284 ratings)  ·  submitted 1997

When you've seen one nuclear war, you've seen them all.

Unknown, in War and Peace

tiny.ag/yy2e1ad8  ·   Fair (284 ratings)  ·  submitted 1997

Why bother building any more nuclear warheads until we've used the ones we have?

Unknown, in War and Peace

tiny.ag/ypqqlw9y  ·   Fair (672 ratings)  ·  submitted 1998

Always remember your weapons system was made by the lowest bidder

Unknown, in War and Peace